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Blog: Here are the latest things our Advisors have to say…

Tamara Smith – Empowering Divorce Clients: Introducing My Services as a Financial Advisor

Divorce can be an incredibly challenging and emotional process, especially when it comes to the financial aspects. As a highly successful and established divorce attorney, you are well aware of the complex tax, benefits, and retirement issues that arise during divorce proceedings.

However, to fully leverage the short and long-term impact of dividing property, analyzing pension and retirement plans, understanding tax implications, creating realistic budgets, and evaluating different settlement scenarios, it’s important to have a deeper understanding.

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Nick Hemsted – How to Raise Financially Responsible Children: Tips to Cultivate Good Savings and Spending Habits

As a financial advisor and father of two, I understand the importance of equipping our children with the necessary skills to become financially responsible adults. Instilling good savings and spending habits in our kids will enable them to navigate the complex world of money with confidence and security. In this blog, I will share practical tips which include creating a savings plan, importance of budgeting, investing and leading by example, which will help you to create a solid foundation for their children’s financial well-being.

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